My children think I'm matter my mistakes and flaws, they think I'm imperfectly perfect...if they could choose to hang around with any one all day, everyday, it would be me (or their dad). To them succeeding is loving them, tickling them, wrestling them, really looking them in the eyes—getting down on their level— reading them 1 more book at bedtime, surprising them with Saturday donuts or a weekend getaway to the beach, showering them with compliments and kisses, dressing up as a Power Ranger for Halloween...
Sometimes (okay let's get real, most of the time), we beat ourselves up as moms, thinking "oh if I'd only reacted this way;" if I'd only done it that way;" "if I was only a little bit more like that mom..." We all feel those feelings and it's all OKAY because it shows that we endlessly love and that we want to do better. The problem is when those voices in our head suffocate us; debilitate us so that we are more consumed by what we are NOT doing instead of noticing the endless "awesome mom" tally marks our children are giving us on a daily basis. We must be careful not to allow those voices to snuff out the candle of everything beautiful and illuminating about us in the eyes of our children. They love us. They forgive us—relentlessly. They think we are SUPER mom. And you know what is so beautiful about their SIMPLE way of loving? Their ability to see us as personifying perfection? PRESENCE. It's all they need; it's all they really crave: simply being present. It is within those moments of truly being present that I see myself as they see me; that I accept myself for all of my beauty and all of my flaws; and that I feel within myself "they were born to YOU—for all of your beautiful uniqueness and ways of doing things—for a've got this MAMA"!
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