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Saturday, October 3, 2009

Edifying your belief system

"Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy."  Norman Vincent Peale
I wanted this to be a short blurb about something I think is important for all of us to do once in a while: edify our belief system.  Sometimes we get caught up in getting through the "drudgeries" of life that we forget to recharge our batteries.  It is easy to get lost in the day-to-day things and forget who we are, and why we are here on this earth.

Here are some suggestions to get you started: 

Make a list of things you can do that center yourself:  My list would include listening to Hallejuah by Chris Botti (it soothes me, allows me slow down from the rush of life); have a warm cup of tea; treat myself to at-home spa treatments, and take a warm bath. 

Add to your list things that make you feel better about who you are. My list would include: reminding myself of all the things I have lived through and that, amazingly enough, I am a stronger individual because of those experiences. 

Next add to your list good things others see in you, because frankly, some times our perspective is not always the most accurate perspective (we are a lot harder and more critical of ourselves then others are).  If you don't already know, ask someone who knows you well what they see in you.  Sounds strange? Why? We’ve only been conditioned to think it is strange, that we are coming off as needy, prideful or vain, if we ask someone else.  Funny thing is who conditioned us this way?  Certainly not God.  We call on God, daily, to remind us of who we are, to lift us when we cannot be lifted. Shouldn’t we be using the same principle in our day-to-day interactions with people? Sister Kimball once said: "never suppress a generous thought."  We are here to help each other, we are here to be uplifted and to lift, so ask someone to lift you. 

Here is an example, something I hold dear to my heart, something I treasure and read often to uplift me, written by my wonderful, thoughtful husband:

"I see a strong, driven woman that knows what she wants out of life and is willing to work to get it.  I see someone that isn't perfect but because of that you can understand and relate to my imperfection which allows a deep and personal connection.  I see someone who thinks of others and wants to serve.  I see someone who is willing to give up their Saturday to help their mother in law...even though they just got back home and have been crazy busy and stressed with a million different things.  I see someone that is constantly trying to improve and grow as an individual.  I see someone that has an amazing amount of love to share and that does share that love.  I see someone who is not afraid of failure.  I see someone who puts so much effort into everything she does...from cooking to school...she always does her very best.  I see someone that is not satisfied with a mediocre life but that always wants to do more and be more.  Sometimes that can be a curse because she doesn't see all that she has done or all that she is. :) I see someone that is artistic and creative-from the way she dresses to the way she decorates.  I see someone that loves to learn and will continue to learn throughout her life.  I see someone that is intellectual, someone that will always push me to think of scenarios and life in a way I naturally wouldn't.  I see someone that loves me and serves me.  I see someone that can communicate her thoughts eloquently and effectively.  I see someone that can write and connect with others through her writing.  I see someone who wants to travel and experience the world.  I see someone who is grateful for the world and all the beauties surrounding her.  I see someone that is independent yet not too much to where her husband would feel worthless. :)  I see someone who has faith.  Someone who continues working towards her goals and dreams even when adversity stands in her way like a brick wall.  That takes faith.  I see someone who has a strong testimony and holds on to the iron rod even when times are hard.  I see someone with righteous desires.  I see a talented and overly qualified Mother.  I see someone that won't stand for injustice in any form, someone that is willing to fight for justice.  I see someone that lives with passion.  I see someone that gets back up when she falls. I see someone that can laugh at life, someone with an amazing sense of humor.  I see someone with a quick mind, someone that can remember amazing amounts of information.  I see someone I can grow old with.  I see my soul mate.  I see a wonderful sister, daughter and wife.  I see a beautiful smile.  I see sexy legs.  I see eyes with green around the outside and then a light brown color surrounding the pupil.  I see beautiful white teeth.  I see the most amazing lips on the planet.  I see a neck line that makes me want to kiss her neck all day.  I see a sexy, hot woman.  I see pretty little ears that I love to kiss.  I see a strong and sexy jaw line.  I see thick hair that I love to run my fingers through.  I see soft smooth skin.  I see beauty. I see someone I look up to.  I see someone I want to be like.  I see someone that makes up for my weaknesses.  I see someone who is beautiful, strong, compassionate, loving, kind, gentle, smart, dedicated, focused, passionate, faithful, capable and so much more.  I see my eternal companion.  I see a child of God.  I see someone who has achieved so much and that will achieve all that she desires.  I see Amanda Noel.  I see someone I love with all my heart and soul, someone I will honor, cherish and adore forever."

Could I ever see those things, or come up with that list myself? I think not.  Wouldn't you love to have a similar reminder?  GO ASK SOMEONE :).  

After you've accumulated these lists, read them every day, or the days you feel like your belief system is failing you and needs to be recharged.     

**I am going to include something I think most people should include on their list: Look at this clip (start at 1:00-END).  My only request is that you don’t be afraid to reiterate OUT LOUD, the things in the video— in fact SHOUT THEM! If you could have seen me, when I was all alone in my kitchen, I was SCREAMING them. I can’t describe how envigorating it felt! Try it, you’ll be surprised at how empowered you feel as an individual!